At PlantCare, we’re proud to celebrate International Women’s Day by highlighting the voices of some of our incredible female colleagues. We did a quick Q&A with Lauren, Tara, Yewande, Viv, and Olwyn to hear their thoughts on career advice, inspiring figures, and what this day means to them.     

What is the best piece of career advice you’ve ever received?

Lauren: “Don't be hard on yourself if a site has problems. Plants are natural living things they can't always look perfect.”

Tara: “Make yourself indispensable.”

Yewande: Don't give up on your aspirations. Be willing to start from the bottom and work your way up.”

Viv: You can always do it, even when you don’t believe in yourself.”

Olwyn: When starting my career I was told to go with “an open mind, be positive and enjoy what you do.”

Which woman inspires you the most?

Lauren: Fearne Cotton – an inspiring public figure who is always working on herself and sharing positive pieces of advice even doing the smallest things can help change your mind set.

Tara: My gran, she was a female Sir Captain Tom Moore. Someone with strong morals and humble. I feel lucky to have had a strong female role model in my life, she was a great person for me to look up to growing up. 

Yewande: My mother – who raised three children alone while working all hours whilst studying and fulfilling her dream to become a practicing Barrister.

Viv: Sophie from Pretty Little Marketer – a successful entrepreneur who built a thriving business and created a strong community for social media marketers.

Olwyn: My mother - she is always caring for the family. She’s always happy and always there when you need it.

What is your proudest achievement whilst working at PlantCare?      

Lauren: Receiving the Best Plant Technician of 2024 award, which I am beyond grateful for

Tara: Seeing Mark and Mike rolling out the three-year roadmap at the all staff meeting, it was a product of all the sessions we had held together. 

Yewande: It has been a while since I've been in employment due to health issues, so being able to work with such a supportive team and company has enabled me work efficiently and effectively.

Viv: Bringing PlantCare’s marketing to life, helping the brand connect with customers in a meaningful and impactful way.

Olwyn: I am proud I have moved forward in my role and I am now working closely with the directors.

How do you influence your colleagues and the wider business?

Lauren: I think I try and be as positive as I can. Spreading a little bit of happiness wherever I got no matter how cringe that may sound

Tara: I try to always lead by example, treat everyone the same, be respectful to all, and to make time for anyone. 

Yewande: As we generally work alone, it's always nice to be able to recognise work and personal achievements, and give advice to colleagues via other communication methods. Wherever we work, we are the face of the company, so always creating a good social impression is a priority.

Viv: Staying positive and checking in on colleagues to ensure they are doing well.

Olwyn: I help colleagues in the office with daily admin tasks so they are free to do other part of their jobs by making phone calls and get orders in.

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

Lauren: “Woman are powerful and important. We need to keep spreading that message to the younger generation. We can do anything just as good as anyone else.”

Tara: “It's a celebration of the women’s movement, and an acknowledgement of the ongoing journey of equality in all societies.”

Yewande: International Women's Day, I believe is a time to not only celebrate achievements of women, but a time for all women to recognise and take stock of achievements in their personal lives and their future goals and aspirations. It's a time to reflect on how as an individual, they can make a positive impact on the wider community.”

Viv: “It’s a time to celebrate progress, recognise the incredible contributions of women everywhere, and continue pushing for equality. It’s about lifting each other up, amplifying voices, and making space for more women to thrive in every industry.”

Olwyn: “It means a positive day where all women show their talent and everyone is treated equally.”

Catching up with the team has been a fantastic way to reflect on what International Women’s Day truly means. From career journeys to personal inspirations, these conversations highlight the power of resilience, support, and ambition.

Happy International Women’s Day!